I made my annual summer pilgrimage to that little Ontario town that starts with L and ends with L...(Listowel). Home of Spinrite, and the yearly tent sale. I know why some animals eat their young. Huey woke up on the wrong side of the universe this morning and there is NOTHING interesting about the drive to Listowel. Head her west, set the cruise control and try not to fall asleep.
This was the first time I used cruise control in our truck (I tried it very briefly in a rental car 5 years ago). Is it just me, or is it a freaky way to drive? Like being on a very fast Disney ride. You see the hill and think, how are we going to maintain speed up that? Then you feel the surge, but your foot is doing nothing. There is a ghost on the gas pedal. Just what are you supposed to do with your foot anyway? And when your foot isn't thinking about the gas...it tends to forget to think about the brakes too....
So...Yarn. Yarn. Yarn. A bag of Fresco---TEN BALLS--for $2. Yes, they only have pale blue left, but I think I have some of the blue verigated from last year. A bag, 5 balls, of Classic Wool, in Rosewood (a pink/brown verigated) for $9, buy 3, get one free (but I only bought 2). There was more Classic Wool inside, same colour (dye lot--don't know yet) as I got last year....I think it was more though...I've got to find the other receipt. Three ball bag of LuLu for $3, buy 3, get one free (did so). I've been wanting to work with this yarn since it came out, as I call Lucy LuLu. The bin with the 'tangled' skeins was picked clean, but I did get a 2lb skein of something baby-ish:

Perhaps Bernat Satin, or Softee Baby for $2. Last year I got $120 worth of Pooch for $5, and it wasn't even tangled! The little sweater is a newborn sweater I made last summer on the KnitSmart. It was my first attempt at lace on the machine. Megan wore it quite a bit this winter, but it STILL needs buttons!
All in all, I spent $80. They were even giving out some good free pattern books this time. And the kids improved after a romp through the fabulous park/wading pool before we went shopping.
Have I knit today? Or worked on my dress? No...I'm about to go do some on the machine though.
Kid Quote of the Day...I was telling the kids how some kids call their grandmother different names, like Granny, Nanny, or Nana. Lucy...."Banana Nana?"
Megan's up.