Saturday, June 19, 2021

Hello June!

 Work is keeping me so busy!! Even though my position is "only" 2 afternoons a week, there's a lot of prep for a new teacher, and I'm supply teaching almost full time as well. Add in spring work in the garden, physio, life in general, a new camera... we may be in a lockdown but I am sure keeping busy!

Because we're not going places, my "travel project" projects have come to a standstill pretty much. I did finish up this little yellow hat to add to the collection of newborn hats. 

I got a new scale but it's hard to see the numbers sometimes. It's 25grams. The last of the yarn I bought last summer before we went to the cottage. 
I do have a couple more projects to share, but I'll give those their own posts.

Yarn In:  0gr
Yarn Out: 25gr + 2458gr = 2483gr
Balance:  2483gr more OUT than in
Cost:  $0, $0/day