Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I was happy to see a comment yesterday by an unfamiliar name. I clicked it, and instead of getting a blogger profile, I got a page about coupons for clothes. I noticed that the word 'dress' in her comment was highlighted and underlined, so I clicked it. Same page for coupons. Is this a subtle hint, LOL, or have I been spammed? It's almost reassuring to get spam. At least then I know this is really out there in cyberworld. But what does Annabelle do? Search blogs that show clothing? Yawn. Get a life. Get a real job.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sew....What's New?
It's a stretch cotton so I actually made a size smaller than her Christmas dress. I think.
I recently wore my rayon flowered dress that I made for the cruise last October. I'm a little self-conscious in it. The pattern gave 4" of ease for the top, but being the shape it is, I knew that was not a good idea! As it ended up, the back was too big and I had to modify after it was done. I don't mind the front view (taken last October):
Monday, July 14, 2008
Random Megs

Gotta go, I think Meg has the bag of cherries on the couch and is eating them. She thinks you need to eat AROUND the pit....
The Elephants Are Coming!
Friday, July 11, 2008
STR Gather Moss Anyway

Until I got to where the colours stop going diagonal and start going into vertical pools. It's hard to see in the photos, but each of the colour pools is actually made up of one row stripes of two colours. The turquoise is light and dark turquoise, the pinkish is magenta and green I think, and the yellow is yellow and lilac. There was no change in the stitch count, no change in the needle size, so the dye job on the yarn was doing this all by itself. Mmmm.
At first, I kept going, saying "This was one of the most thoughtful and appreciated gifts I've gotten in a long time, I don't care what it looks like, I just want to wear this cozy yarn on my feet". I was hoping the pattern would change again. I actually did knit some of the sock pattern I had printed up (oh, about four rows), but ripped it back to the ribbing and kept going, hoping that just a 'plain' sock would show the yarn to it's best, rather than trying to fight a texture onto it. But after awhile, I just couldn't take the vertical pooling anymore. It was shifting, but way too slowly.
So, I hit the pause button earlier this spring. I thought. I joined Ravelry. I searched more, bought more sock books. But, the thing with socks is that they don't usually vary in their stitch count by very much as you work through the sock. I could do a lace pattern that adds sts on some rows and takes them away on another, but then there's texture issues, and really, not enough variation in the stitch count to throw off the pooling.
Then, I found it. Entrelac socks! We had a workshop in the winter/spring with the Georgetown guild; it's something I've never done and have thought about it, but didn't find any patterns that really turned me on enough to learn something new (despite loving learning new things, they still have to have a reason to learn them). Back to Ravelry, and it turns out that I have two entrelac sock patterns from two different magazines---one mag which I rarely buy! And, if I remember, I bought that issue to read while I was in the ER during all the post-surgery complications, so how 'fateful' is that?! I still need to actually try entrelac, esp. in the round, but I am optimistic that it is the answer for this gorgeous yarn.
Something about the yarn makes me want to go back and change all the text colours to yellow, magenta and turquoise!! I LOVE the section of the turquoise; totally reminds me of our cruise!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The reason I chose this sheet was for the 'bleach' stripe at the top end, and it had a nice deep hem that I could use as is! I actually measured myself this time, and found that I didn't need to shorten the legs!!!! However, the rise? I had to shorten that quite a bit!!! I used wide, non-roll waistband elastic, which is quite comfy. The rise ended up being a smidge too high, so instead of taking out the elastic and the casing, I folded it inwards and stitched it down. Now the rise is a smidge too short in the front over my post-babies belly.
I do not look good in elastic waist pants. To get the fit over the belly, I have too much on either side of the belly, but just taking in the hip seams is not the answer (too little over the belly; too much in the sides equals out like a math equation). The belly rise needs to be a bit longer to compensate, but truth is, I really don't need the extra gathering around my waist (OMG, that's the first time I didn't type it as wasit in a LONG time). But if I used darts, I'd have to use a zipper and that negates the easy, loungy construction/feel of the pants. They also fall pretty much straight down from my widest part, just like Stacey and ....what's his name....tell women to do, but there's a lot of fabric around my ankles, LOL. I have pretty decent legs but you sure can't tell from the photo! (I put the camera on the bathroom counter and used the self timer. Perhaps a different angle would have been a little nicer?!).
BTW, I made these back in May. Probably the May long weekend, or Mother's Day. Still a little behind in posting!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Peace, Dude!
So, I lanolized them yesterday and they had a beautiful two days to dry in the shady back deck. I got her ready for bed, but it was a little early, and I was pretty sure she was ready to poop. So, I just put a 'regular' cloth diaper on her (flannel fitted pocket), and went to get the camera. I came back up, and she was leaning on Lucy's bed (in the picture), with a very concentrated look on her face, a stench in the air, and she shouted "No, Go!". LOL. She looked just like she was having a contraction, LOL. I came back later and changed her, and put on a double stuffed velour pocket. Oh, so soft, LOL. Anything soft or knitted, she makes her blankie sign.
The ribbing is a little tight at the front to stay up at her waist, but they're much better than her regular pajama pants. I added 15 rows to the body, and 3 more rows to the ribbing, and they could still be higher (they will pull up to her belly button, but not stay there). I used 202grams after seaming and trimming the ends, so I could still make them a little bigger and use just two skeins (although I used 1 1/2 of the grey and 1/2 of the pink, so I have 117g left). It sells for $7.50 Cdn locally (plus tax), so for $15 (plus tax), I can get a nice pair of wool longies. Rob is a little not convinced, LOL, but hey.....I've been getting up and changing her disposable diaper EVERY night, and she's still usually got wet pajamas in the morning, so this can't be any worse. And in fact, last night, I forgot to put a diaper on her, and somehow, in the 45 minutes of pre-sleep activities, she never mentioned it!
Friday, July 04, 2008
The Power of Four
(BTW, I've had these done for almost a month!)