As we are finally in spring (ohhh was it a long, cold, wet spring), I thought it was about time to post the other sewing I did during the first couple weeks of the school year in January, when we were doing virtual school and I had pretty much no work.
Megan mentioned that she'd like another Lovesick Bra (now called the LBB) by George and Ginger. I had the idea that finally I should try to make it reversible. It has a separate band, so I knew I'd have to do a few things. Well, those first things did not work and I got a mobius tube that would not work LOL.
I found this video which helped tremendously. It still was a little tricky to follow along because she uses purple fabric for both layers, and the fabric looks the same on the right side and wrong sides! I wasn't keen on topstitching to close the bottom of the band, but in the end it looked okay.
I wanted a new one too, but with a higher neck for doing yoga. I got to it, pleased it was going so well despite having to remind myself a couple times which was the fold on the back piece, and which was the side.
Apparently I didn't remind myself enough, and when I went to sew it together, I found out that my front side seam was way longer than the back piece.
I compensated with some tidy pleats. It's a little more low cut than I'd like at the side, but considering what it could have been, it's a very functional fix.

This picture shows how the back is way too high in the centre. Oh well.
This time, I somehow found a different YouTube tutorial: I searched and searched, using different words, and this one did not come up the first time. It's a great looking channel!
To end off the sewing spree, I made my Mom some women's Boxerwear. She said she had been wearing Dad's to bed. I had been too, and had swapped out some of the fly fronts for a flat front. So I felt she deserved a proper pair made from the woman's pattern (now just called pouchless I think). I don't know if the fit is different than the men's, but I hope so. I didn't get any feedback from her...I should ask!
They are so comfortable to sleep in! They don't get all twisty like loose boxers.
I'm looking forward to the summer, and hopefully doing some more sewing!