Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That

 I have been working on a black/charcoal shawl/stole for what feels like forever. I think I started in early March--I think I worked on it at Lucy's Iron Ring ceremony (a really cool Canadian tradition for graduating engineers). 

It kept Rob warm at a "Brass on the Grass" concert in June (our local brass band, The Whitby Brass Band holds outdoor concerts in the summer)
It kept Megan and I very warm during Lucy's extremely cold graduation ceremony, in a big arena on the hottest day of the year. It's been on numerous road trips. It just feels like it's been FOREVER. It's probably wider than I realize, and I wanted to make sure it was long enough to really wrap around me. I've started the decrease section, and I finally feel like it might end!

I also finished (quite a while ago), another shrug that I had worked on during our New Brunswick road trip last year. It was supposed to be the easier of the two that I worked on during that trip, because it's just stockinette. But do I do easy? LOL. Every once in awhile I'd notice I had done a purl row on the knit side. It's knit cuff to cuff, and one arm ended up being quite a bit narrower than the other arm. I unstitched the seam, and added basically a long short row gusset under the arm. I added a ribbed band all the way around, but tried to incorporate shaping but it just didn't work and I think I undid that and just kept it as ribbing. In the end, I haven't worn it much--it's very warm, and even though I wear a lot of turquoise, it just doesn't work. 
It bled a lot when I washed it! Such a pretty colour.
I think this picture was to show the inside, one edge of the short row gusset I added to get more width in the arm. The sleeves are not quite wrist length, and this starts about 3 inches up from the wrist edge. It's a good thing it was a very textured, colourful boucle.

I don't have any shots of it on. Just scroll down a few posts and look at the other shrug. This one is just solid, no lace pattern. It was made with Mystique Mohair Boucle, 12ply, Hand Painted by Jan Gilray. I still have a 100gr skein (and a small ball). The tag says $9.99 but I think I bought it at Value Village. The shrug used 190gr (so somewhere is about a 10gr ball).

My middle kid Lucy and her boyfriend sometimes go to cat sit for his brother, and they wanted to take him some new mice, so I made a few. I couldn't find the pattern I used before...perhaps I should have searched this blog LOL. I don't even remember how many I made, or how much yarn they used...but let's just say 50gr.

And lastly, Megan is going to stay with her boyfriend and his aunt & uncle for 5 days and wanted to take a felted duck for their dog, so that got done last week. A whopping  112gr used up. 

I never really liked the feet in the pattern so I experimented. I tried short rows to make the points, and I tried a sort of chevron inc/dec pattern (like on afghans). Not happy with either, but oh well, I'm sure the dog doesn't care.

I did receive a donation of yarn for making blankets and baby items. I'm not going to count it right now, as I'm not sure how much I will actually keep. I'll get to that soon. 

Yarn In:  0gr
Yarn Out: 653gr + 352gr (this post)=  1005gr
Balance: 1005gr more OUT than in
Costs: $0