Had another great night at SnB last night. Even getting told we've got to be using yarn from the shop during the get togethers couldn't dampen it. I actually was using a ball of their yarn, for the pumpkin stems. And had I known about the great orange, I would have bought it for the hats. So we might just buy a ball to make hats or mitts or something--so we can keep meeting there. Which is only fair. As it was pointed out...the store is open while we're there, someone could come in and see what we're doing...then find out the yarn

This blanket is in Jaggerspun Zephyr, 50% wool, 50% silk. It's supposed to be a soft white, like the picture on the left, not the very creamy colour in the other two photos! The square pattern in the middle is called "Charlotte", a free square doily pattern from the internet. The only free square doily pattern on the internet. I've selected the other motifs from my various stitch dictionaries. They are all united by the theme "Diamonds". It should have been done awhile ago, but I was waiting for a knitting forum friend to send me the pattern for the Kerry Blue Shawl and she never did. So I cast on (again and again) for this while Rob took Huey to Indiana in early July, thinking Murphy would visit and the other pattern would arrive the next day. Still waiting....But babies grow and Christmas looms....
Tracy, your lacy blanket is just gorgeous! I am in awe of your knitting skills, and your powers of concentration. I have trouble knitting anything much more difficult than k2,p2 while at my knitting group, with all the fun and chat that goes on! If your group doesn't all need hats or whatever, perhaps you could have some of the meetings be for a particular charitable purpose. One night could be for the Red Scarf Project, another for Dulaan - hats from basic wools, another for Caps to the Capitol, etc. Have FUN!
Wow, that blanket is gorgeous! When do you find the time to concentrate on something like that?
Smashing blankie!
Breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL! Such fine fine stitching, m'lady, I humble bow to your expertise...
WOW! Really impressed. Thanks for showing.
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