I found the missing sock, in a place I had already looked. I remade one smaller, and Huey tried it on last night. It's a tad loose on the leg, but a short trip in the dryer should fix that. I'll make another today/tonight. The one I made for me was too big, it probably didn't help that I forgot I wanted to decrease sts after the heel. For some reason, I'm having a rough time with the knitting machine. Well, it's fine (although it probably needs a new sponge bar), but I'm doing stupid things like forgetting steps in casting on, dropping the cast on comb, forgetting to flip the hold levers. Stupid things. And, I realized that I have sock yarn that is not from my LYS that I could be using right now, and save the LYS sock yarn for next week so I could do the finishing at Knit Night. Silly me. Guess I'll just have to buy more :) Or start that Flower Basket Shawl, LOL.

Finished objects! Yes, I keep saying I have some. Just haven't had time to download pictures, and now Rob has taken the camera to Luxembourg. But here's a few. (Stupid Blogger. I used every box to add another image, and NONE of them have shown up. One at a time I guess). These are the FiberTrends felted clogs that you see on all the blogs at this time of year. I started them about a week before we were to go to a Christmas party where we do a gift exchange game. Duh. Although they go quick, so does life. You need to read just about every line of the pattern, and it's written for 6 sizes, and typed on dark teal paper....I made the ladies' large (9-10). I used two skeins of Headwaters Marupe (I think) doubled, in dark blue for the soles, and one skein double stranded in the lighter blue for the tops. And had VERY little left, especially of the light blue.
This is Megan modelling how they can be a multi-

functional item. A perfect had for a toddler before felting!.
I felted them, and thought I was done, but then threw them back in one more time, and it was the finishing touch. The yarn felts to a nice fabric. Not as hairy as Lopi, and not tight, boucle like, like Classic Merino, but in between the two.

They fit my SIL who just happened to mention to Rob on the phone that she was wearing the Fuzzy Feet I had made their mother when she came to stay when Megan was born, and thought they were great. I like the Fuzzy Feet idea, but mine wore out WAY too quickly, and I kept sliding down the stairs. These clogs were sitting there drying, and we had missed another gift exchange game, so I was happy to find them a new owner immediately :)
Lucy update. So, after the Boxing Day spent at the ER, things didn't improve. And then Megan got a cold (how much slime CAN come out of such a tiny nose?). The day before New Year's Eve she spent on the couch throwing up. We went to the Doctor's on Jan 2 and she found an ear infection, and also prescribed two inhalers and an Aero-Chamber spacing device for the puffers. It's not covered by our plan, and cost $50!! The next day she spent another day on the couch, throwing up. Then, on Thursday, I said "Enough" and packed them up to take them to Grandma and Grandpa With the Pond (Bancroft). All three kids made it there and back without throwing up once!! But Megan was still sick. On Jan 9 Lucy went back to the doctor who declared her ear healed, and her cough gone, but she still has to use the steroid puffer for the rest of the month. Megan was still slimy. Then, this past Saturday, Lucy spent much of it laying on the couch, throwing up again. I noticed last week that Megan had stopped drooling, oozing from the nose, and her chin/lip rash was much better. I peeked in her mouth, and behold--the first point of her fourth 1st year molar. But the dry spell was short lived and by Sunday she was oozing from the nose again. At least her reflux seems gone (or at least is silent now. Still uncomfortable for her as we saw last Sat or Friday night. Don't know if it was from the garlic scalloped potatoes or all the ibuprofen that I took). THis week, Huey is not feeling great, he has a deep barking cough now and sore throat.
And it's sunny, so I'm off to my knitting corner!!
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