This is a toe up sock, with part of the heel flap done. I'm using an on-line tutorial from Miriam; who must thinks I'm the densest knitter in the world. But hey....I was just having trouble with all my text being underlined and highlighted, and without knowing a thing about HTML, I went to the 'Edit Html' page and fixed it! Back to sock. It was going okay, but then I started working on the actual flap, and it was only 22sts wide, instead of half the sts of the whole sock, as it would be if knit top down. I'm still not totally sure how it all happened, but I followed the instructions right, and that's how it's supposed to be...This heel takes more math work done toe up than cuff down, and of course, it's nice if we can avoid math when possible. It's fitting okay, although I don't know if that's because I set it up wrong, or because I did it right, or what, LOL. I might give it another try on the next socks, but modify it to be like the cuff down heel flap. However, I am now getting to the point I can guesstimate how many sts I need so I could just start at the top, which would make the heel flap mindless again.

It's not what I need though. It does span my wingspan, but draped over the shoulders, it barely covers to my elbows. That doesn't add much warmth. Sure, I could have made it huge (I did find another little ball I had wound; maybe enough for another repeat of the pattern), but being short waisted, it would have come way too far down by butt. The one thing that is small on me (hey, I guess it was relevant after all).
I already took the needles out of it back last fall when I realized it would not be done before my nursing days were done. I'm sure I could probably figure out which needle it was (I think 5.5 mm, and a new one that I bought that was pointy). But it's had it's day, you know? I'm pretty sure it's going to be re-incarnated as a lacey cardigan.
I realized the weekend before this past one that it was half way through April and I hadn't bought any yarn this month! But on Thursday I had to go visit the surgeon in Mississauga. I'm not very good at merging on the highway. Getting there is no problem, but I was pretty worried about getting on the 403 in the middle of Miss. So, I opted for the scenic route that happened to go past two yarn stores, one of which is supposed to specialize in machine knitting stuff.
Well... the offerings looked pretty much like my bin of cone yarn...not much logic, no multiple colours of the same yarn (for the most part). The owner was away getting ready for a show, so there was no one to help me, and Lucy decided she HAD to have $30 worth of novelty buttons from the wall next to the cone yarn. Big tantrum. Thank God we were in the basement. I got a cone of Brown Sheep Cotton Fine in Lilac.
On the way to the next stop, both girls fell asleep. I quickly ran into Georgetown Yarn and Crafts and got the one ball of Trekking 126 that I posted about :) So, my average yarn spending is still running at about $50/month. I had been doing great about using up stash, and I am still working on that. Most of what I have bought this year has either been used already, or is in the 'will use very soon' basket, or is sock yarn.