Rob's birthday present! After he finally wore Megan at the Maple Syrup Festival, I decided to make a carrier just for him. They tried it out on the weekend.

Megan likes to tuck a doll or stuffed animal in her shirt, so I dug out this pouch I made back in the early days. Gathered up the extra with an elastic, and viola!

We went to IKEA on the weekend and Lucy was upset she couldn't go in the playroom because she didn't have socks on. But right at the top of the escalator was a clown making balloon animals. We were skeptical when she offered to make a Spiderman for Huey, but wow! She was good!

And yes, I did take some knitting pictures, LOL. Outside enjoying the nice weather. But it appears that I haven't gotten around to downloading them yet! Right now I've got some other things to do. Like, knit!
Great pix. I love Spidey and the camo-kid-sack.
That Spidey is pretty impressive. I would not have believed it either.
That's so cute how she wants to imitate you by carrying her doll in her own pouch.
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