Did you hear it? About 8:30pm, Tuesday evening? A big, long, groan as I came to the conclusion that I would not have enough yarn to finish ANOTHER baby blanket attempt for Rob's co-worker?

It's a square, using short rows. The blue is the waste yarn at the cast on. I need to make that last triangle at the top meet up with the blue. Uh huh. I had originally started with 45 sts and KP 35, but decided it would be too small and the gauge was too tight. So I went with KP 45 and 50sts. The gauge is much better, but it did come out a little big. I don't think though, that going back to 45 sts would have given me enough yarn to finish. I bought this bag of yarn several years ago at the Spinrite tent sale in Listowel. I have never seen it in Patons or Bernat's line up. I don't know if it was a trial yarn that never got marketed or what. They had it in shades of pale blue, pale green, and tan (which was a little orange). It's all chenille, the dark and light pink are thick, velvety, and the shiny light pink is much finer. At least now I can re-wind all the balls so that the colour striping will be the same direction for each ball!
So, another plan. I made this blanket back in the
spring. Click that link and scroll down to see the issues I had near the end of the blanket! Last year I bought a GIANT skein of this Baby Sport from the Spinrite tent sale. It was $2 and was giant. Not like a skein of sock yarn, or a skein of Fleece Artist, it was probably 2' long (but very thick). It was originally about 2 lbs.

The newborn baby sweater was made with the same colour, but from regular balls; just there to show comparison. If I had known how the colour repeats were going to work up in a blanket, I would have started it at a different point. You can see the blue outlined triangle near the bottom gets repeated further up. A little dizzy-ish when laid out like that, but not too bad in real life.
So anyway, I had started to crochet around it, but didn't know just how to finish it off. All my crochet books are British, and that leads to terrible confusion! I did a simple 5 tr shell and got it finished late last night. Washed it, dried it, and even gave it a steam with my new iron!. Kept me up a bit late last night, but I'm impressed at how quickly crocheting an edging can go. I think it took me only 2 months! LOL. Anyway, it is off to Rob's co-worker. Not the blanket I wanted to give, but then again, we're not friends or family. Rob has enjoyed working with her and wanted something to give her (besides the Moby D wrap I bought, and the pink and white pouch I made, because she apparently got 5 carriers at her shower recently. And I TOLD Rob back in May to take the Moby D in to her, but he wouldn't cause he was holding out for the blanket).
We're having quite a laugh in the Machineknitting group about headless knitters on the internet, and how we're known by our boobs. Since I've had my surgery, that's the internet knitter's equivalent of a face lift, LOL! For those of you who do really want to see my face, click on March 2007 in the archives, and scroll through the month. You'll find some pretty scary pictures of me!!
How cut that Cooper had to be in the picture too
As far as i know he has to make a new one because his hotmail one hasn't been working. I will set him up this weekend with a new email and we'll send it to u.
That is a scary big skein of yarn ;) Had to laugh at the "knitters known by their boobs"...
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