Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Jemajo left a comment asking about how I got the patterning on the sock leg. It was a handknit sock, from "Interweave Favourite Socks". I have been thinking about if it's possible to do patterning while knitting tubular on the machine. I don't think you can--you could have it on the main bed, but there's no way to transfer the design from the punchcard to the ribber carriage. Also, as the main carriage is coming back but not knitting--what will it do after having picked up the pattern for the next row?
I have been thinking about tuck rib lace (ribbed lace tuck? lace tucked rib?) though. It'd be knit flat, but that's okay. Has anyone knit socks using something other than a rib or plain tubular?

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