Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Bring on Winter!

In a home-business crafter's group on Facebook, a woman was selling a huge lot of wool.  A few different types, lots of colours, part balls and whole balls.  I said I'd take all her part balls and I've already included that in my yarn totals (there was 1900gr!). A pair of mitts for the kindergarten kids takes about 40gr of yarn. I should be able to get 47 pairs of itty bitty mitts, at about $1 a pair :)  To replenish the spare mitten box right away, I went with neutrals for the first few pairs.

 I started working one burgundy, one green mitten as two at a time on two circulars. It was getting a little tangly and somehow I got off course with the grey spiral. This yarn is a little thicker than others and these are a nice, dense mitten.  I was hoping to use up the remainder grey with the pair on the right, but well...these take less wool than I always expect!

The wool is NOT a soft wool, by any stretch of the  imagination.  This is a hard working, utility wool.  I washed them, and even with a bit of conditioner in the rinse, they still aren't soft, but wow, did the yarn ever bloom! Hands will be toasty warm and dry in these mitts!  Look at all those short wool fibers poking out! Sure, there are some great soft, delicious wools out there, but for kids 3-6 playing outside for 30 minutes in a Canadian winter? These are perfect.

I've got another pair on the needles already, brown and green stripes.

Yarn In:   6823gr
Yarn Out: 117gr + 5785gr = 5902gr
Balance:  921gr more BROUGHT IN than used
Costs:    $227.54 /307 days = $0.74/day

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