Wednesday, October 09, 2024


 Back in August I saw a call for testers in a Canadian crochet group on FB. These scarf-shrug patterns were suddenly really popular and this was a crochet version. I was really curious how they were made and worn. I've posted about shrugs before but I don't tend to grab them when my arms are cold, I just grab a sweater or cardigan. I was also planning for our upcoming trip to Barcelona and cruise and thought I could make something useful since we'll have anything from 0C to 30C weather! 

The pattern called for LionBrand Pound of Love but we were told we could use anything that got gauge. It would take 2 balls worth, with some leftover. I did not have anything in my stash that I thought would work well though I had some I would like to have a shawl made in. I decided I would actually buy the yarn. It was Labour Day weekend, so I had to wait till the Tuesday to get it. These are some serious balls!

I was dealing with some emotional stress, and not feeling well physically, and it was like I had never crocheted before. It starts out with crochet ribbing, which I know I've done before, but there was some wording in the pattern that confused me. My rows grew, then shrunk.

 I struggled with the stitch as it was similar to a half double decrease but my yarn kept splitting and I couldn't get into a smooth rhythm. I finally got through the first sleeve and headed into the body section.

This part was pretty much a breeze. I did type out the pattern so it was easier for me to read (it was written in columns and I found having to go up and down three rows of instructions for each row a challenge). 

The body part felt like it was taking forever. The pattern states 76" for the Large body, or about 1.8 times your chest. This felt huge for me. A few other testers also felt this was a bit long. I think I ended up at about 72". 

The second sleeve went much faster but wasn't without its own challenges. 

I really liked how I sewed up the seam on the first sleeve.

Invisible on the outside, and nearly invisible on the inside. 
I wasn't as happy with the other sleeve. My foundation chain looked terrible, I probably needed to do one more row on the sleeve too. I ended up with a sort of flap on the inside.

I just whip stitched that little flap down so it would lay smooth. Not a big deal.
It's actually draped loose on my back. I don't think I can wear it like this (and of course, not over this tank top). I need to play with it a bit more.
No scarf tails to get in your lunch or zipped up in your zipper!

I like my sleeves up a bit from my wrists, but I think the pattern designed it for wrist length. There's a big difference in size between my wrist and my upper arm so it doesn't work well pushed up like this.

In the end, although it's pretty cool, it weighs a ton. Okay, it's 550gr. Definitely not packing it for our trip, but I could wear it. I think though I'll just use the other shawl that I made this summer. 

I do like the versatility of this design, though of course, just like the infinity dresses, I can't remember how to do all the styles LOL. 

It's live on Ravelry!

Yarn In:  908gr + 1182gr = 2090gr
Yarn Out: 550gr = 2055gr
Balance: 35gr more in than out
Costs: $24.55 + $20 = $44.55

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