This isn't Megan of course. Just making sure you know!
Lucy is up and down. The med that was to be every 4 hours is actually the Motrin, which we've been a little lazy about. She's asleep in my bed, courtesy of some Calms Forte. We're not going to her concert, or my local Knit Night, or even the Georgetown group Christmas party :( I am very behind on the lace baby blanket. I bought things for gift game exchanges. Megan's Christmas/winter sling is still not finished (had to sew the body three times between I am severely sewing challenged).
Perhaps I can Duct Tape the whole family to the wall?
I hope Lucy feels better soon. Sick kid = sick/unhappy mommy.
I hate it when child is sick - it makes me feel all that much worse.
Here's hoping for better days ahead...
Come over to my blog, Tracy and take a guess - lots of yarny prizes to be won...
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