Saturday, October 02, 2021

It Happened!

I haven't been knitting much. Work has been so busy, mothering has been very busy, the TV has been busy by others (so I don't have a place to sit and knit). I finished another pair or two of little mittens. I'm up to 5 pairs since I started this summer. They don't use much wool for each pair, 35-45 grams. It adds up though!  It seems I only posted about the first pair. Pairs 2 and 3 weighed in at 89gr total, and pairs 4 and 5 are 73gr.

Not too exciting to photograph, especially in summer/fall. 

What IS exciting is that I finally bought some yarn! Megan and I went thrifting, and I hid a jackpot at the Salvation Army store. 
All worsted weight yarns, and except for the yellow and blue I can probably use them all together. The balls of pink in the middle are different than the big skeins.  All together this weighed in at 1369gr. This is the first yarn I actually paid for this year! I can make more charity blankets....if I ever get to use the TV again...

Yarn In:  1400gr + 1369gr = 2769gr
Yarn Out:  4364gr + 162gr = 4526gr
Balance:  1757gr more OUT than in
Cost:  $30, 275 days, $0.11/day

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