Monday, December 14, 2020

Perfect New House Gift

 Right when I was working on the letters from the previous post,  Special Heart Studio came out with another awesome project I HAD to make. What perfect timing!

Whenever I take a paper project off the mat, I always admire the leftover bits. Sometimes there are shapes that are worth keeping but not really this time.

I messed up the colours of the layers again, but it's okay. This was the first time using the Cricut pen since the original test project. I was really impressed and this prompted me to do more "Draw" projects.

Simple and sweet, a perfect little housewarming gift. One group member showed that in the heart, she had done a sketch of a house (for other new homeowners). I was going to do that but didn't have a picture of their house. 

I can't recommend Special Heart Studio's projects enough. She has so many designs! And they're all free. I have been learning how to design this type of project now, rather than just the letters that I had done. It's not terribly hard, though of course, I can always make it harder than it needs to be LOL.

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