Monday, December 28, 2020

When You Can't Ignore It...

 ...embrace it!

I had my peroneal tendon repair surgery and the recovery nurse suggested using a stretchy fuzzy sock to cover up my toes/extremely thick dressing. The ones we had didn't fit, so Rob took one of his orphaned wool socks and cut the toe off. That was okay, but it was a dull grey and didn't have great stay-on ability (the green is painter's tape). I decided to knit my own cover. 

I went with some worsted weight yarn, and a rib, and basically, knit a sock toe. Easy. Then, I made a heel cover by casting on almost enough to go around me (basically what I had ended with for the toe piece), then did short rows like a short row heel, but in garter stitch. To make the ties, I cast on a length of stitches, then casted off. I usually would get a crochet hook and just make a chain, but I didn't want to bother anyone to go find my hooks. 

Then I got lucky and found some bells in my craft drawer. 

The only place it got seen was when I went to my follow up. No one commented! No worries, it still make me happy and kept my toes and heel warm!

Yarn In:   6477gr
Yarn Out:  38gr + 10 597gr = 10635gr
Balance: 4158gr gr more OUT than in!
Costs:  $140.68/363 days = $0.39 per day

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